Estou instalando pela primeira vez o Adempiere. Estou com problemas na importação da base de dados a partir do adempiere.dmp.
As versões em utilização são:
Postgres SQL 8.3
Adempiere 3.53A
SUN Java Application Platform SDK Update 6
SUN Java jdk1.6.0_11
O erro acontece no trecho seguinte:
– Data for Name: a_asset_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: adempiere; Owner: adempiere
COPY a_asset_group (a_asset_group_id, ad_client_id, ad_org_id, isactive, created, createdby, updated, updatedby, name, description, help, isowned, isdepreciated, isoneassetperuom, iscreateasactive, istrackissues) FROM stdin ;
100 11 11 Y 2003-01-24 00:11:50 100 2003-01-24 00:11:50 0 Documentation Download Documentation \N N Y N Y N
50000 11 11 Y 2008-05-30 17:05:58 100 2008-05-30 17:05:58 100 Buildings Buildings All Buildings Y Y N Y N
50001 11 11 Y 2008-05-30 17:06:01 100 2008-05-30 17:06:01 100 Software Software Software Y Y N Y N
50002 11 11 Y 2008-05-30 17:06:02 100 2008-05-30 17:06:02 100 Documentation Download Documentation \N N Y N Y N
50003 11 11 Y 2008-05-30 17:06:03 100 2008-05-30 17:06:03 100 Data Processing Equipment Data Processing Equipment Group defines Data Processing Equipment Y Y N Y N
50004 11 11 Y 2008-05-30 17:06:04 100 2008-05-30 17:06:04 100 Furniture Furniture Office furniture including office and shop Y Y N Y N
50005 11 11 Y 2008-05-30 17:06:05 100 2008-05-30 17:06:05 100 Fixtures Fixtures Fixtures including tools & dies Y Y N Y N
50006 11 11 Y 2008-05-30 17:06:06 100 2008-05-30 17:06:06 100 Vehicles Trucks Cars Vans Forklifts All vehicles Y Y N Y N
50007 11 11 Y 2008-05-30 17:06:10 100 2008-05-30 17:06:10 100 Equipment Equipment Light equipment including test equipment and computers Y Y N Y N
O erro é:
ERROR: syntax error at or near “100”
LINE 26082: 100 11 11 Y 2003-01-24 00:11:50 100 2003-01-24 00:11:50 0 Do…
********** Erro **********
ERROR: syntax error at or near “100”
SQL state: 42601
Caracter: 1161435
Obrigado pela atenção.
Mc Aronis