Após instalar o Adempiere, esta me aparecendo as mensagens abaixo:
Verifiquei as AD_system e realmente não existem estes atributos.
Preciso de uma versão atualizada das tabelas onde posso conseguir ?
Estou usando a versão que baixei neste sabado (23/02/2008 ) : AdempiereLBR_331b.tar.gz.
DB.isBuildOK: Problem with AD_System Table - Run system.sql script - org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERRO: coluna “lastbuildinfo” não existe
DB.isBuildOK: Problem with AD_System Table - Run system.sql script - org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERRO: coluna “isfailonbuilddiffer” não existe
CREATE TABLE adempiere.ad_system
ad_system_id numeric(10) NOT NULL,
ad_client_id numeric(10) NOT NULL,
ad_org_id numeric(10) NOT NULL,
isactive char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘Y’::bpchar,
created timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
createdby numeric(10) NOT NULL,
updated timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
updatedby numeric(10) NOT NULL,
name varchar(60) NOT NULL,
username varchar(60) NOT NULL,
info varchar(255),
version varchar(20),
releaseno char(4) NOT NULL,
supportunits numeric(10),
“password” varchar(20),
replicationtype char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘L’::bpchar,
idrangestart numeric,
idrangeend numeric,
ldaphost varchar(60),
customprefix varchar(60),
isjustmigrated char(1) DEFAULT ‘N’::bpchar,
dbinstance varchar(60),
dbaddress varchar(255),
noprocessors numeric(10),
summary varchar(255),
encryptionkey varchar(255),
ldapdomain varchar(255),
isautoerrorreport char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘Y’::bpchar,
record_id numeric(10),
supportexpdate timestamp,
processing char(1),
supportemail varchar(60),
isallowstatistics char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘Y’::bpchar,
statisticsinfo varchar(60),
profileinfo varchar(60),
oldname varchar(60),
description varchar(255),
systemstatus char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘E’::bpchar,
CONSTRAINT ad_system_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ad_system_id, ad_client_id),
CONSTRAINT ad_system_isactive_check CHECK (isactive = ANY (ARRAY[‘Y’::bpchar, ‘N’::bpchar]))
ALTER TABLE adempiere.ad_system OWNER TO adempiere;